I thought that updating WordPress at one in the morning would be a great idea: one part because I really did need to upgrade from 2.8.4 to 2.9, another part because I was suddenly excited over all things WordPress, and yet another because I long needed to change the file permissions in order to use WordPress to its fullest. All the entries should be back up, along with the comments. I haven’t gone back and checked all of them, but the ones I did check look fine, despite the scary messages I was getting when uploading (something I couldn’t do before–curse you, file permissions!).
To test this theory, let’s upload a picture.
It worked! Thank Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content, an awesome and hilarious webcomic. The above drawing does in fact validate my existence.
Disclaimer: No cats were harmed in the upgrading of this WordPress install. Thanks, Azurelunatic.
3 replies on “Sorry about the slight downtime”
I still need to update my WordPress installation. Upgrading WordPress takes time, so I guess I’ll need to find time for that sometime. Are there any new (interesting) features in WP 2.9? Congrats on successfully upgrading your installation!
I haven’t had time to play with it yet, but here’s a list of cool features that come with 2.9. My favorites are the image editor, global undo, and compatibility checking, so it’s definitely worth the upgrade.
Oh, that is awesome. Will definitely update soon. 😀