Here we are about to begin week four of Script Frenzy. I’m still barely staying on track, as I hit 70 pages today. Staying on track is staying on track, which is a lot more than I can say for the past three years, where marathon sessions to the finish line were the norm.
The musical numbers are taking up most of my time. On non-music days, I can usually write somewhat quickly if I know where the plot is going. Unfortunately, I usually don’t. I know where the story’s going to climax and what will happen just before that, but getting there is another story. I need to get there and figure out a suitable ending, all while keeping my characters singing. The singing is the hard part to write, and with other life events coming up at the end of the month, I may be struggling to pull off a win this year.
Overall, the story is still fun to write, and while it’s not quite as geeky and more political than I intended, the geeky core is still there, even if every other line isn’t a geek reference of some kind.