
Rejection therapy and NaNo

Today was a day devoted to phone calls. I’m running the Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive for my region, and I spent today making a lot of phone calls as an attempt to get people involved. The fruits of my labor: after seventeen phone calls, I got only three direct nos. I have one yes for putting a box at a place. This will happen tomorrow. The others will check with their superiors and get back with me.

This is Rejection Therapy in action. If you don’t ask, you never know what could happen. The worst that people can say is no, so why not?

Since it’s 1am on the sixteenth where I live, the second half of NaNoWriMo is now here. There are only fifteen days left in November. Fifteen days of frantic writing, word count obsessing, write-ins, wondering what to do next in the story, and wishing for the end, yet wishing NaNo would never end.

This is what NaNo is all about.

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