

When I set my initial November goal, it was partially out of peer pressure; one of my friendly competitors had set her goal at 150,000 words, and I knew that in order to keep up with her, my goal would have to be there as well. But when November started, I pulled ahead quickly. Both of this anticipated this. I had more time to write. What I didn’t anticipate was keeping up with several other fast-paced Wrimos, namely the Atlanta MLs. In fact, as of this writing I’m still ahead of both of them; I’ve been bouncing back and forth with one of them the entire month.

Today I hit my goal for the month. I was hoping to hit it this weekend based on the pace I’ve been writing at the whole month, but when I saw my word count yesterday, that day became today. Specifically, tonight at my region’s write-in.

Today also produced a scene that made me cry. This was problematic since I was at a write-in. However, I’ve never cried at a piece of my own writing before, and I’ve been cranky most of the week for a number of reasons, all leading to my need for a good cry. This scene shows why my female lead is where she is in the first place, and I hope it’ll be important later.

Because when you’re pantsing, that’s all you can do when writing the unexpected: hope that whatever you write comes together. So far everything has worked together nicely. This story is very open-ended and has lots of room for movement, so I think everything will work out fine.

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