I am way behind on my novel. I’m so close to 15,000 words that I can taste it, which is 20,000 words away from my January goal and certainly not halfway through the novel like I wanted to be before the month is over. As I’ve mentioned before, the problem lies in a lack of conflict. I’ve thought about this plenty but still haven’t come up with a suitable solution to create conflict.
But I can’t let the lack of conflict get me down. Therefore a suitable punishment must happen. If I don’t reach 35,000 words in my novel by the end of January in my time zone, I will update my Facebook status at least once a day every day in February.
You’re probably thinking, “That doesn’t sound like a punishment to me.” For someone who updates Facebook once a month at best, trust me, it is. Besides, I can make that goal. That’s 2500 words a day if I start tomorrow. Even if I wrote everything on the 31st, the goal is technically reachable. First I need to hammer out a conflict. This’ll be fun. Right?
One reply on “A writing promise to myself”
Ah, don’t feel too bad. This months goal for me was 25,000 words and I haven’t even written a word, and don’t plan to until at least next month. I suppose I’ll just catch up in the next few months.
Good luck!