If you haven’t seen the aerial pictures of Japan before and after the earthquake, you should take a look. Seeing the damage in nonaerial pictures is shocking enough, but seeing it from above is something else altogether, not because of the actual damage but because there’s enough of it to show from above.
And as if Japan couldn’t get enough of a break from the earthquake and its aftereffects a volcano has erupted there as well. Really, mother nature? This country has been through enough over the past few days. Give them a break. (Now that I’ve said this, a flood will probably strike because these things happen when I say things like this. But let’s hope not.)
4 replies on “Clearly nature hates Japan”
Sheesh. Just no breaks, yeah. (A flood? Let’s hope not!)
@kamanislands Dear goodness, I hope not. The people there have gone through enough!
Just awful, it’s beyond belief. I just pray that it stops. So, so sad.
@JMattHicks Japan’s definitely in my thoughts too. The whole situation’s just awful.