
NaNoEdMo: Complete!

A couple of editathons this weekend put me over the NaNoEdMo goal for this month at almost exactly fifty hours. Hooray! NaNoEdMo is only the beginning for this novel since I’m about a third of the way through rewriting new scenes and fixing plot holes. Yes, there are that many plot holes, but that’s not the big problem. I’ve given my main character a completely different storyline. To be more accurate, I gave her a storyline since she didn’t have much of one to start with. Another major character is getting more screen time than she had previously, and I’m working on writing in her new scenes and weaving them into the story.

This will take time. Luckily the adaptation I’m doing for Script Frenzy will give me a chance to test drive any new ideas I have in the next week and give me more to work with when I start editing seriously again in May. The script will be the “good parts” version, and the goal for my novel will be to make the whole novel the Good Parts version. If it’s boring in script format, it’s definitely going to be boring in the book. This will be my April mantra.

4 replies on “NaNoEdMo: Complete!”

I admire your dedication! The editing process can feel so tedious, and it can be disheartening when one realizes just how much needs to be changed. Best of luck this April during Screnzy!

Again, Ohmygosh Sushi! Your drive is amazing! Congratulations on finishing this project! I completed my manuscript (all but the name which refuses to come to me yet!) this past weekend and will now be looking into the publishing process. Wish me luck on that one!


@athenainwonderland The editing process is definitely a tedious one. You look at the entire novel and start making notes and next thing you know, the notes files is a huge one and how on earth are you going to start? The best way to start is to, well, start. Thank you!

@Lori It’s not completely finished–nowhere near, in fact. I just finished the month’s challenge, which is fifty hours of editing. The novel still has a very long way to go before it’s finished, and I have a feeling a lot of rewriting will happen before I see the end. Good luck to you in your publishing adventures!

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