
Gingerbread is here (on my phone, that is)

You know how a website gets redesigned and everyone complains about it because it just isn’t the same as before but eventually get used to it? Admit it. You’ve done it, even if only in your head. I did it when redesigned its site a few years ago, but I’ve gotten used to it now. I did it with just about every Facebook redesign. And today I did it with Android 2.3, Gingerbread, which just got pushed to my phone. It was about time, too. Gingerbread has been out for months, and even though my phone is still fairly new, it came with the older Froyo. Why do you do this, phone carrier?

I haven’t had much time to play with it yet, but the interface is quite slick. I already notice a significant performance improvement, even with little things like switching home screens. One bonus: the WordPress app, which kept force closing in Froyo, now works in Gingerbread. I should have written this post on the phone to celebrate, but come on, I can type on a real keyboard much faster.

But of course there are bad things. My complaint is merely cosmetic so far. Why are the new icons for the dialer, text messages, and other default apps so ugly now? They were non-ugly in Froyo, but now the icons don’t fit with the others on my home screens. I may not be vain and shallow with most things, but I’m definitely picky about how things look, despite not being a designer in any form. Now that I do have Gingerbread, maybe it’s time to root this thing.

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