The last few days have been days of not writing. I’ve been doing this mysterious thing called having a social life (le gasp), and this social life has eaten up my evenings as of late. Oops?
But I do have one very big announcement, something I’ve been sitting on since applying. I am now a NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison for the Atlanta region! We Atlanta MLs are now the Fabulous Four in my head. Now I have access to the ML forums, a place that has felt like a super secret chamber to me in years past. This year is going to be, as is said in Teen Girl Squad, sooooooooo good.
Also, when did Nano become less than a month away? Is the proper response YAY or AAAAAH?
One reply on “I’m an ML!”
Wahooo! You’ll be an AWESOME ML, I can just see it. Wish I could steal you to be an ML over here in New Zealand… *grins* Good luck, and have fun!!