
Today I wrote a book

Word count: 50,004 words

Yes, you read that correctly.

Awhile back a few folks at the NaNo forums (*cough*cosmam*cough*) talked me into doing a 50k day one. I accepted this challenge and took it today. And well… Let this Google doc of my progress tell you how I did (spreadsheet also courtesy of cosmam). Note that I was significantly behind for most of the day but apparently rule at catching up.

I wrote only 3k at the midnight kickoff at my place. The last folks left at 3am, and the party was lots of fun–we had ten people show up! David’s evil scheme to put me behind on 50k day worked, but it didn’t put me down. As soon as everyone left and I cleaned up the stuff that was actual mess I went to my room and started writing and caffeinating. I took a couple of 15-minute power naps throughout the day but otherwise stayed up all night, and I used Dropbox to write nearly 1k on my way to and from tutoring today. This was probably the vital 1k that saved me, as I finished with barely ten minutes to go.

And then I had a celebratory drink; if I hadn’t succeeded it would have remained untouched until December.

Oh, and the best part? I hit THE END on the book too.

#50kkillmenow? #50kkilledit.

But now I sleep since I haven’t done much of that over the last few days. Mmmm, sleep.

5 replies on “Today I wrote a book”

Talk about word-wars! Well done! As someone sitting at 2K with evening writing sessions, I salute you!

I’m not working tomorrow, so I was going to attempt something like this in the next few days. But congrats on finishing!

After your sleep are you going to to try another one? Or take a break and redraft?


Well done! Fantastic job! Way to go!

I know I wouldn’t be able to do it. I can only get about 1K an hour, which would max me out at 24K (Though I’m not sure I could actually do that much.)

I’ll see you when I reach the finish line! 😉

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