
To Do Before NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo is less than two weeks away, and I still have to do just about everything on my to-do list. That was not part of the plan.

For full accountability, here’s that list.

* Come up with a plot. That’s right, I still have nothing. Well, nothing I’m excited about. And if I’m going for 250k I need at least two or three ideas. In the event that I do 50k day on the first I need something with enough possible directions that I can spill on it for 24 hours straight.

* Cook my meals for the first and for the days following when I won’t feel like cooking.

* Go to the grocery store on a huge trip, buy groceries, and plan aforementioned meals. Ideally I would buy enough to last until I leave for San Francisco.

* Pack and mail teas for the NaNo tea swap.

* Update Wikiwrimo.

* House cleaning: clean off countertops, do dishes (which will likely accumulate before then), do laundry, clean room, vacuum floors

* Fix my desktop. I messed up an update and now it won’t boot. Current plan is to install Fedora over Arch but this is turning out to be more complicated than planned.

* Write/schedule a couple of posts for this site in the hopes that I won’t go radio silent over NaNo yet again.

* Go to Neutral Milk Hotel show (the 26th, sadly the same time as my huge region’s sole kickoff party)

* Get wrist braces

* Get a flu shot

* Sign up for health insurance

Whew! So far the only thing I’ve crossed off the list so far is buying additional teas for the tea swap. Now to do more things today. Looks like today will be a “do all the things” day.

2 replies on “To Do Before NaNoWriMo”

I just made one of these lists too! I hope you’re making better progress than I am…
Out of curiosity, what wrist braces are you getting? I’m looking into some, but am unsure what type are good for typing…

Good luck with your preparations!

I’m kind of making progress? Sort of? I did the big thing of fixing my desktop, so that’s good.

And honestly, I just pick up a non-crappy set of braces at CVS (other drugstore of choice also works, but CVS is closest to me). I don’t really have any brand or feature loyalty there.

Good luck to you too!

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