Today is World Nutella Day, one of my favorite and tastiest holidays. We almost didn’t have a Nutella Day this year thanks to a cease and desist from Ferrero, the manufacturer of Nutella. Thankfully they saw sense and allowed Nutella Day to continue, leading to this post today.
My love affair with Nutella began in high school during my French Club membership. This was a casual affair, and I didn’t realize what a driving force Nutella would be until I visited France in college and ate Nutella on bread for breakfast.
Every. Single. Morning.
And this doesn’t include the many Nutella crepes I ate for lunch, sometimes with banana, sometimes without, from a street vendor.
Then I found Nutella at the store in America. And that’s where the fun and exploration really begin.
These days I almost always have at least one jar of Nutella in the house. Friends can count on me having one of the big jars around. Heck, when I taught and had to bring a lunch every day, I packed pretzels as part of the lunch… and Nutella to dip them in. This became a joke among my students and coworkers. But come on, who wouldn’t love something this amazing?
With that in mind, let’s talk my new favorite Nutella discovery: the Nutella, cookie butter, and banana sandwich. Those who follow me on Twitter know that I won’t shut up about this thing, and for good reason. This sandwich is nothing short of perfection.
I love banana and Nutella, I love banana and cookie butter, and heck, Trader Joe’s sells a cookie butter and chocolate swirl jar. That has to be good together, right? So wouldn’t all three together taste good?
I was right. But I wasn’t prepared for how right this combination would be.
“But Sushi,” you say. “I’ve never heard of this cookie butter. What is it? Where can I get it?”
Cookie butter, or for the uninitiated, perfection in a jar consists of cookies ground up to a spreadable peanut butter-like consistency. Trader Joe’s sells a cookie butter, along with Biscoff (you know, the cookie you get on flights). Cookie butter is magical, and I don’t usually keep it in the house because I can and will eat it with a spoon.
Got it? Good. On to the sandwich.
Cookie Butter, Nutella, and Banana Sandwich
(or the Best Sandwich In Existence)
Cookie Butter
1 banana (you can probably use other fruits, but this has given me the best results so far)
2 slices of bread
1. Toast the bread if you like.
2. Spread cookie butter across one slice of bread.
3. Spread Nutella across the other slice of bread.
4. Slice the banana and place it on the bread so it touches one of the spreads.
5. Put the sandwich together.
6. Eat! You’ll probably have banana left. Eat it if you like.
Seriously. This sandwich is just good. My stomach is rumbling right now because it’s hungry and I know it just wants this sandwich.
Just go try it. I’m going to hit post on this, then go home and make one in honor of Nutella Day.