Lately I’ve been thinking about how I miss summer reading programs. You know, you go to the library, check out a bunch of books, and read read read. When I was a kid there were prizes and fun times involved, and I seem to remember winning something for reading the most books or something.
But now that I’m an adult, summer reading programs for me are rare if they exist at all. Maybe it’s because the adults who do like reading are reading all year long. Or maybe libraries don’t have the funds (probably true). Or because most adults don’t have a summer off like kids do.
Whatever the case, I miss them, and my local library doesn’t have one for adults. So I decided to make one.
Enter Summer Reading Bingo.
Someone on Twitter mentioned a summer reading bingo, so I decided to make my own. Here’s the card I plan on using:
(Uh, I accidentally included a category twice and didn’t notice, hence the new font. Oops.)
Want your own card? It’s easy. I used this bingo card generator. Create a 5×5 bingo card with a free space. Here’s the word list I used; feel free to add or suggest some:
Science Fiction,Fantasy,Horror,Romance,Banned Book,Award-Winning Book,Self-Published,NYT Bestseller,Historical Novel,Nonfiction,First Book in a Series,LGBT,Set Somewhere You’d Like to Visit,Set where you live,Set Outside of Earth,New (to you) genre,Young Adult,In the Public Domain,Made into a Movie,Mystery,Recommended to You,(Auto)biography,Humor,Poetry,Released in the last year,Nonhuman main character,Author’s first book,Topic you’re new to,Chose it for the cover,Short story collection,Contemporary,Author’s newest book,Minority main character,Set in the future,You met the author,From the library,From an indie bookstore
Once you’ve created a card you can print it out or draw it on paper the old-fashioned way. Get five in a row to make a bingo!
There’s no real deadline for this, but if you’d like one, I suggest Labor Day [insert applicable end-of-summer holiday for your country]. And of course, you can read books that don’t count toward your bingo card as well. This challenge is just to push you outside your literary comfort zone a little. And that’s something all of us could use.
Happy reading!
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[…] that summer reading bingo card I mentioned awhile […]