It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Go Battle League. In early seasons I would play until getting to rank 20 and then Ace, and then call it a season.
Then Pokemon Go introduced the season-long Go Battle League research that provided a raid-free way to get rare candy XL for every 100 wins, and that got me to do more battles for the rare XL candy. I’d sometimes get to expert within those 500 battles but never could make that last push for legend even after continuing to play. At a certain point it became clear that I should put down the game for my sanity instead of malding my way back down to Ace.
During the season of Shared Skies (summer 2024) I decided to liven things up in the early ranks, with the knowledge that it was likely to screw up my entering elo. No, I didn’t do auto rekt. I did the GBL Nuzlocke-ish challenge.