
A size four is not too big

I rarely watch TV. In fact, I was glad to let my brother take my television when he needed it. He returned it without bothering to plug it in, and I likely won’t be plugging it back in until the national spelling bee finals come on in the spring. The TV in the living room was on when I was eating breakfast this morning, and I couldn’t help but overhear the plight of a model named Coco Rocha: she couldn’t get assignments because she was too big. The size in question?

A size four.

Size changes aside over the years, this was the kind of size that modeling agencies desired. Now a size four is too big. These shots don’t stay on the runway, or even on Vogue. They get shown on teen magazines, on billboards, in malls. Girls and women of all ages see them and believe that the skeletal body type that few people can realistically achieve is the only body type worth having if one is to be considered beautiful because in society’s eye, these people and their clothes are beautiful.

And now a size four is too big. What has happened? I weep for societal standards of the future.

Good for you, Coco Rocha, for continuing to speak out.


In which I look at today through a stranger’s eyes

I heard there was some huge sporting event today (well, yesterday now, I suppose). It involved a bunch of men in bulky tops and tight pants throwing a silly-looking object around and trying to keep the silly-looking object out of the possession of the enemy. Meanwhile, the audience is partying and watching the game on big-screen televisions, eating various foods, commenting on the choice of halftime entertainment, and oohing and aahing at people (and occasionally inanimate objects) promoting their products during the breaks.

What a crazy world we live in. So what happened today again?