A day after launching Wikiwrimo into the world at large, I’ve observed some interesting trends. First, Wikiwrimo has seven registered users who are not me. Hooray! I’m much more productive on the wiki for some reason. Perhaps it’s the knowledge that other people can hop in and contribute. (They could before, but they had to find the site and request an account first.) Perhaps it’s knowing that they can view the recent changes page and see my contributions. Whatever it is, launching Wikiwrimo, even accidentally, was a good plan for everyone. So go sign up and contribute. Now.
Tag: wikiwrimo
Introducing Wikiwrimo
People have started to find my super secret project, so here’s the unveiling.
Yes, it’s a wiki for NaNoWriMo (and Script Frenzy, but Wikiwrimo rolls off the tongue better than anything I could come up with for Script Frenzy). This is what I’ve been building over the past week and a half (and reading documentation about for much longer). Now there’s enough material to let others in without completely losing them. I also should be past the point of breaking everything (though as I add more things, they may break on occasion). However, I need to experience the site with users, even if just a few, to get an idea of what everyday life on the wiki will be like. This is especially important as NaNo season comes.
So if you’re a Wrimo or Screnzy participant and you’re interested in contributing, go ahead and request an account. It should be approved within a day. Ping me if it hasn’t gone through in 24 hours, and I’ll investigate. After that, happy editing!